Determined, Confident, Steadfast in Serving the Lord
In 1982, while reading the Bible, he heard God’s audible voice from inside of his body In an Indescribable manner.
The Lord told him, “I have chosen you to be a light to the nations and a tool of salvation.”
Hamid says, “My entire being heard the Lord- My brain no longer had to interpret the voice for me, because
even my knees and my hands and every other part of my body heard Him.
Although it had been quite sometime since I had received Jesus into my heart as my Savior, coming from
a Muslim background, I still wouldn’t dare to call Him ‘Lord’, until that memorial and glorious
time which only lasted a few seconds. That wonderful voice of God changed all my fears and doubts into pure faith.
Now I know that He is the Lord God Almighty, and nothing and no one can stop me from preaching the Gospel.”